Impact Of Wilderness Camp for Troubled Youth on Your Teenagers
As a parent struggling with how to deal with your troubled teenager, you might want to consider sending them away to a wilderness camp. Teens who attend these camps feel changed and reconnected with their parents and themselves. It is one of the best ways to ensure that your teenager remains safe while working through their issues in an environment they can learn from and become more independent. Anasazi Foundation is helping troubled teens learn new skills and ways of thinking that will help them within their community and in the future. There are many reasons why a wilderness camp for troubled youth is a good option. The campers learn to live more self-sufficiently and work through issues because of the lack of distractions and temptations in the camps. The teens can bond with others and deal with their issues in a safe environment away from their normal home settings. Many teens meet new friends and form new relationships after returning from these camps, making them less likely to...